Thursday, October 28, 2010

How To Make A Strong Spaghetti Bridge


A nation is a group of people who, having common characteristics such as history, language, territory, culture, is identified with a common identity that they feel they belong, bound together by a feeling of solidarity. It is this consciousness of shared identity, released at ground level, making it an ethnic community, cultural and political nation.

might seem heresy to hear a socialist-inspired movement to speak of 'national identity', at least this has made us accustomed to the universalist rhetoric of the traditional left, but just this rhetoric has helped to kill whoever it was Paladin . In fact, one of the most serious errors of communism was the desire to force all peoples have the same social model, without taking into account the different cultures and histories of the various territories. In our Unit Popolare Veneta, however, it is necessary to take into account the identity and the particularities of different nations, because inevitably a form of socialism that può essere funzionale nei paesi dell’Est Europa troverebbe terreno meno fertile nel mondo anglosassone, così come un modello ap­plicabile in Estremo Oriente verrebbe quasi sicuramente rifiutato nei paesi latini.
Secondo noi non c’è nulla di eretico nel difendere la propria identità e nel basarsi su questa per creare un proprio modello di socialismo, questo percorso è stato intrapreso da altri movimenti prima del nostro in tutto il mondo, basti pensare allo zapatismo messicano e al bolivarismo sud americano oppure, restando in europa, all’indipendentismo Basco, catalano e corso, in cui sono presenti fazioni con una forte connotazione a sinistra.
Per quanto riguarda i nostri territori, riteniamo che il modello più prossimo alla nostra cultura sia il socialismo libertario , che vede come pilastri la difesa della libertà in­dividuale e il perseguimento della giustizia sociale . La libertà individuale dovrebbe ri­guardare tutti gli aspetti della vita sociale della persona, dalla religione all’orientamento sessuale, dalla libertà di espressione a quella di impresa. Infatti rite­niamo giusto che chiunque abbia la possibilità di utilizzare le proprie conoscenze, competenze e capacità per ottenere un riscontro economico e professionale. But this freedom must be linked to social justice, defense of civil rights, the environment and the protection of collective resources (health, education, water, energy, etc.).. Social justice also means building a state fair, with a strong welfare state that allows all citizens to live in decent conditions.
Libertarian socialism also pursues self-management of territories and the decentralization of power, a factor that could be adapted to the vocation of 'city' of the Veneto, where the autonomy of the various municipalities is viewed very favorably.
The struggle for the self-determination must be inserted in the path towards the creation of a Venetian State based on justice, freedom and autonomy, in fact the dying elephant in italics is proving all his iniquity and arrogance, acting as a barrier between the peoples of the boot and the their social and human progress. The bureaucrats of Rome, their branch offices and their clientele are looting what is left of what was the Italian republic in a futile attempt to maintain the status quo, but the tent is so rotten that before long just kick the door to bring down the whole house and the future will inevitably self-management of the territories. The states become supranational fast part of the past and each nation must find its own road to socialism.
In conclusion, the synthesis of application of a socialist model, the defense of the Venetian and the struggle for self-determination of Venice is not only possible but also desirable, especially in the context of a Europe of nations obsolete and were liberated by the elephantine supranational and with the European Union in the role of coordinator between nation-states who will be members.

Unit Popolare Veneta


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