Thursday, October 7, 2010

Anesthesia Heart Palpitation

Who's afraid of the words

Il collaborazionismo è un fenomeno sociale e politico connesso alle vicende di go­verno di un paese occupato militarmente da una potenza straniera, che vi organizza una classe dirigente totalmente asservita ai propri interessi.
Esso consiste nell’organizzazione di una struttura di controllo sociale, in modo da creare un collegamento tra la potenza occupante e la popolazione assogettata. Tale struttura di controllo sociale è composta da elementi etnici locali, e si articola se­condo uno schema piramidale che riproduce quello tipico di un normale apparato statale, dotato quindi di bureaucracy and its autonomous operating rules, and that goes from one vertex to a base of operations consists of elements included in the various social classes which function spy and informer, which provide for the control and suppression of the subversive movements that can disturb the order imposed by the occupiers. (Cited in Wikipedia)

In these few lines is proposed function of the regional government of Veneto and the Italian parties who work there, including their cultural ramifications-union. That the referents of these parties to take orders from Rome or Milan counts for little, the important thing is to maintain the status quo, which sees the people in the Veneto guise of gentle milk cow of the Italian state. In this perspective, is part of the continuing demolition of the historical, cultural, linguistic and territorial cohesion of the Venetians, small and large indignities that our people continue to suffer for decades, regardless of the political party holding the majority. These range from exposure of the controversy banner of St. Mark in squares and stadiums, the law passed by the dying Galan government, which commits the Veneto region to support the nuclear policies of the state, with obvious repercussions on the choice of sites for new power plants.
The latest venture of collaborators Venetian has different meaning, however, il voto contrario da parte della commissione cultura del Consiglio Regionale alla proposta presentata da Mariangelo Foggiato di inserire anche il Veneto fra le lingue tutelate dallo stato italano è un attacco diretto a uno dei pilastri portanti di ogni nazione, in­fatti l’effettiva esistenza di una nazione si basa su di una lingua comune, un territorio di insediamento ben definito e una comune identità storica e culturale. Basti pensare all’importanza che la lingua ha per baschi, catalani, sardi e corsi, nella loro lotta per l’autodeterminazione. Ai curdi il governo della Turchia, aspirante ‘europea’, ha addi­rittura vietato l’uso della lingua in riunioni pubbliche, divieto vigente anche per Basque and Catalan during Franco's regime. This should give you an idea of \u200b\u200bthe seriousness of this sabotage.
But reading carefully the vote will understand that there are two motives for this sleazy behavior: on the one hand the fury of a Italianist center that sparked a witch hunt against any appeal Venetian identity, flags, or folk festivals, language. The other a test of strength of berluscones, which have made it clear to the 'yes man' Zaia that does not govern without them. A showdown played on one of the landmarks of our country, and this indicates the degree of attention of the Azzurri (the name was never more guessed) against our people.
But if until now the people swore to the heavens against the shape of the generic 'politician', in this case there are the names of the perpetrators of this massacre:

Against: Laroni PDL, Franchetto IDV, PD Fasoli
Abstain: Causin PD, PDL Teso, badges PDL, PDL Bond, PD Sinigallia
(in this committee serves as an abstention vote against)

Now who collaborates with the Italian government against the aspirations of Venetian liberty and social justice will un nome, e saprà il popolo come considerare questa gente.



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