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Region acting on the limits of photovoltaic ground
- Solar Power: Stop to large plants (La Repubblica Fi. Dec. 15)
- The Province of Pisa welcomes the decision of the Region (Il Tirreno December 20)
- Grosseto Province criticizes the Superintendent of photovoltaics (Il Tirreno December 20) Piombino
- A photovoltaic system on five acres in a condominium (La Repubblica Fi. Dec. 24) The
- Solar has saved 400 artisans (La Repubblica Fi. Dec. 24)
- Siena: The CIA welcomes the measures on provincial photovoltaic (Siena Nation, December 28
- Nell ' Scarborough waste incinerator half Italy (Il Tirreno December 16)
- Behind the incinerator Scarlino a forest company (Il Tirreno December 21)
- A march against pyrogasification Castelfranco (Pi) (Il Tirreno December 21)
- The Committee Campiglia against variant for holding Rimigliano (Il Tirreno December 21)
- Lucca: The association Sant'Anna on a war footing against the variant (Il Tirreno 23 December)
- Florence: The system of destruction of roads has not Ferrale (La Repubblica Fi .29 December)
- Assessor Marson on landslide risk: "more fields or disaster" (December 27 Il Tirreno) The
- Region proposes an authority for the regional ports (Il Tirreno December 22)
- Greve (FI): President of the Province: "The incinerator will Texts" (La Repubblica Fi December .22)
- Lucca: Urban Planning, the revolutionary variant Structure Plan (December 21 Il Tirreno)
- Lucca: La variante urbanistica in Consiglio Comunale (Il Tirreno 28 dicembre)
- Pisa, Navi Romane: scavi fermi e restauri a singhiozzo (Il Tirreno 27 dicembre)
- Il Tirreno elenca i tesori architettonici lasciati nel degrado (Il Tirreno 27 dicembre)
- P.Berdini: la prossima alluvione del Veneto (il Fatto Quotidiano 17 dicembre)
- Veneto:modifiche alla legge urbanistica regionale e disastro announced (December 17 Eddyburg)
- G. Fog on the Conference in Rome on the scarcity of resources (Eddyburg December 21)
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