Monday, February 28, 2011

Connect Hard Drive To Sony Tv

Client for Google Translate Version: 5.1.545

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OPERATING SYSTEM: Windows 98/2000/XP/Vista/7
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License: Free (extension available for a fee)

Spanish Marriage Reading

22 - 28 febbraio 2011

Front Page
Tyrrhenian Highway: The environmental groups will present their document
Airport: failure to resolve the conflict on the runway parallel to the
Geothermal: Piancastagnaio in an uproar over the plan of reorganization of geothermal

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Painful Boils On Groin

Fashion in the rain.

As for me lately is a continuous alternation of rain and snow, I thought I'd write something favor of un'accessorio essential in these cases: The Rain boots.

Very popular in the 80, returned to be part of the winter wardrobe of each of us.
Accessories for rainy days are now indipensabili, but we're used to seeing rain boot as something very anti-aesthetic, fortunately we think some fashion house in accessories to make these unwelcome truly original look with most forms fluid, colored in many shades and prints, or even adding warm fur. Here are some that
ho adocchiato per voi, Valentino li arricchisce inserendo del pizzo all’interno della gomma trasparente per le più romantiche, Marc Jacobs li propone trapuntati in bianco per la donna, e in gomma nera con riporto colorato alla base per l'uomo, Burberry ne propone vari modelli, tutti molto particolari come ad esempio questo che ho scelto per voi, gomma nera con, sulla parte superiore, una striscia check con borchie argento, anche Hunter, conosciutissima per i suoi particolari rain boots adatti sia a l'uomo che alla donna ed amatissimi dalle star, le propone in varie tonalità come nero, verde, giallo, rosso, ma anche lilla, viola e fucsia o Delux con borchie, particolarissimi anche quelli di Dolce&Gabbana con stampa animalier e quelli di Fix Design bordati di pelliccia, degni di nota anche quelli proposti da Philipp Plein e per le fashionista quelli di Chanel con le classiche camelie.
Facilmente abbinabili, tranne in rari casi, vanno bene con mantelline, trench, cappelli a tesa larga e borse impermeabili, accessori adatti ad una tipica giornata uggiosa.

Marc Jacobs for men.

Marc Jacobs for woman.



Dolce & Gabbana.

Fix Design.

Philipp Plein.


... or you can choose to imitate the follies of Anna Dello Russo, seen in Milan in the rain with bare legs in pump for ysl.


Friday, February 25, 2011

Welcome Thank You Note For Wedding Guests

Fashion Report: Milan Fashion Week First and Second Day

Viewed we are the first two days of fashion week, and I've already noticed many interesting details I decided to summarize all in one post, I will show you where the fashion show that caught my attention most.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011.

Piazza Oberdan 2 / B, Milan. This is the location of the Gucci fashion show , collection style seventies minute proportions, skirts, pants and shrunken heads from shoulders.
All in bright colors and in my opinion and a perfect blaze of fur collars!
wide-brimmed hats, coats, stoles, high waist pants, knee-length skirts and one or two bags to bring together high boots.
the evening clouds of chiffon and light transparency.
to a great start. All wonderful, especially the jackets with fur and hats.

neoromanticism for Ferretti , 10 Via Senato catwalk clothes are in metric shapes and dazzling colors like orange, purple, ruby \u200b\u200band oil. Details boots, especially those in satin fabric.

Women as flowers, the message I want to launch Francis Sognamiglio in his fashion show.
Really original bombers that vaguely resemble a bud.

Thursday, February 24, 2011.

Let the second day we moved in Corso Venezia 10, Blugirl a mix between british and bon ton, the runway brightly colored jackets for each month of winter.
Very nice, and fantastic combinations Pellicciotti wonderful!

Excellent work also Max Mara for , a riot of sheath dresses and coats in classic colors really special but the cut is very innovative.
Classic British leaders reviewed in tessutti and shapes, such as trench coats in mink, for example.

coat, long and very light is the head of the collection must Scervino , here too we find l'ispirazione anni settanta, ottima la scelta dei colori dominanti come il grigio, il bianco, il nero e l'oro.
Stupendi gli abiti dalle forme semplici che nascondono le particolari ruches.

Il primo brand ha esagerato con le lettere, stampate in ogni dove, also on the catwalk, the second is exaggerated with the sequins and the python, really bad taste.


Tuesday, February 22, 2011

No Sew,fleece Knot Scarf


Almost hidden in a block in the heart of the Lower East Side of Manhattan, an anonymous and insignificant gray stone building without windows or signs that might attract the attention of the few passers-by entering only ringing the bell.

Una volta dentro, troviamo un lunghissimo divano in pelle nera, pareti in pelle di struzzo, mobili in legno lucido e vetrinette illuminate come nel più classico dei musei!

The Rivington Club
158 Rivington St.
New York

Non è l'indirizzo di un'esclusivo club privè, ma di un'autentico paradiso per gli amanti delle sneakers.
Le particolari vetrinette di Rivington Club contengono infatti sneakers assolutamente impossibili da trovare altrove, in colori e materiali particolari o addirittura di lusso realizzate in coccodrillo, struzzo, pellami pregiatissimi e tutte le sneakers nate dalle collaborazioni tra case di moda e/o artisti famosi.
Insomma un vero eden per gli amanti delle sneaker, tanto che all'arrivo delle nuove collezioni in molti sono disposti a patire il freddo o a stare 24 ore in coda per aggiudicarsi almeno un paio di sneacker!
Che dire, se vi troverete in quelle zone fate un salto al Rivington Club, anche se non sono uno spasimante del genere mi piacerebbe comunque farci un salto!


Puma & McQueen capsule collection at The Rivington Club.