Thursday, September 30, 2010

Tiffany Granath And Her Husband

22 - 30 Settembre

Front Page
Geothermal, full speed ahead?
Scorie nucleari in Toscana?
London: participation or commercial?

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Cogat C/d Preparation Practice

15 - 21 Settembre

Front Page
photovoltaic systems on agricultural land?
Nubi sulle grandi infrastrutture

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

#12 On Alabama Football Helment

The Venetian People today

L'autogoverno del popolo veneto si attua in forme rispondenti alle caratteristi­che e tradizioni della sua storia.

Questo è un brano dell’articolo 2 dello Statuto Veneto, redatto nel lontano 1971, in cui viene esplicitamente citato il Popolo Veneto. Probabilmente se lo statuto fosse stato scritto negli ultimi anni le parole ‘Autogoverno’ e soprattutto ‘Popolo Veneto’ avrebbero scatenato un uragano di accuse, hysterical recriminations and stances in defense of a nonexistent national unity. Instead, almost forty years ago, the draft was accepted by parliament without flinching Roman testified that this' constitution 'of the existence of a people called' Venetian 'formally, as well as of fact, other than that' the Italian people 'quoted by all other states, but (there was to bet!) the Sardinian.
But what is today the people of Veneto and what it means for the Popular Unity Veneta this term? For many, we must refer to the origins of people living in our territory, a sort of blood right out of time, others belong to a people confuse with ordinary citizens, and others would extend the concept to all residents, even if temporary, applying a distorted form of the Right of soil .
We have a different view of the Venetian People. We do not take into account the least mengeliane ruminations on genotypes and phenotypes, aberrant in terms of human and absurd from a logistical standpoint, since the Veneto is not an island and even a remote desert region in the desert but a land of passage, culture and markets in the middle of Europe, and then exposed to contamination di ogni genere. Le uscite da parodia del Ku Kux Klan le lasciamo a ometti di verde bardati.
Anche la confusione tra Popolo Veneto e cittadini italiani non ci appartiene, perchè non ci riconosciamo nello stato italiano e la cittadinanza di un’entità occupante per noi non significa assolutamente nulla. Allo stesso modo un’estensione abnorme del Diritto di suolo annullerebbe l’idea stessa di popolo, in quanto la mera residenza con­sentirebbe di farne parte.
Per UPV far parte del Popolo Veneto significa identificarsi con la cultura, i costumi e la lingua dei veneti. Per fare ciò non occorre il pedigree padano-celtico, la cittadi­nanza Italiot or white skin, just the right amount of respect for the community, for the territory and for themselves, just up the legacy of three thousand years of history and make it their own. There are many surnames venetissimi invertebrates that spend their days filling up the nose of fairy dust and to avoid any kind of manual and intellectual labor, others in the name of profit and plunder resources and exploit local environmental, they are much less Veneto various Azim, Nikolai, Jose and Savior who work or study hard to build a future in our land and help it grow at the same time socially and humanly.
This is our concept of the people Veneto.

"Every human community with a common reference to its own culture and its own historical tradition, developed over a specific geographical area, is a people.
Every people has the right to identify themselves as such .
Every people has the right to assert itself as a nation. "

Universal Declaration of Collective Rights of Peoples
(CONSEU - Barcelona, \u200b\u200bMay 27, 1990)

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Does Anyone Know How To Get A Gold Ticket On Lpso

Palio flags

This year our capital was outraged by the annual meeting of the Northern League, with its usual mix of paganism cheap, bestial ignorance and promises written in the sand. In this occasion they moved committees also "spontaneous" protests that have deployed hundreds of tricolor flags to anyone who requests it, sure that these committees were to be spontaneous yet well-organized and better fed (question: where were the last 14 years ?!?).
The trip in the lagoon of the Po Valley was thus transformed into a prize worthy of the flags of the best carnivals, wiping rags against green tricolor, symbol of a nation that does not exist by people waved naive (for wanting to be good) against symbols one occupant was waved by people stupid (for wanting to be generous).
course legaioli center and a result they obtained for sure: Italy was truly united, in fact, even if only for a day, Venice was the same in Naples ...

That strasa ... ; ; N'altra Stras!

Citizens Routing Number Nh

8 - 14 settembre

Minacciati due gioielli della costa tirrenica
Geotermia, novità sull'Amiata

Monday, September 13, 2010

Invitation Wording For A Jewelry Party


Since last week a part of the blog has moved to the new site at UPV:

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

How To Diminish Blemishes

1 - 7 Settembre

Front Page The Highway
Tyrrhenian still without clarity
New Deal for marinas

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

What Can I Eat With Dentures


Sunday, September 5 Popolare Veneta Unit will be present with a gazebo at the Feast of the Venetians of the Citadel. To mark the occasion will be collected the signatures against the celebrations of the 150th anniversary of the unification of Italy, in fact we believe that the Venetians have nothing to celebrate, also, with hundreds of thousands of workers laid off and many families literally on the street, the state Italiot finds nothing better than spending hundreds of millions to celebrate anything. Where is it so longed for this unit? Probably only in the dreams of the nationalists and flag of the establishment ...

addition to collecting the signatures, the gazebo will also have a special role in our movement (which, we repeat, is not a party) and will be available the first adhesive and the first T-shirts , which will be given in exchange for a free offer.

Provisional Steering Committee members will be present Friday and Saturday.

Therefore, the appointment is at the Citadel this weekend!

Per saperne di più sulla Festa dei Veneti