Thursday, February 12, 2009

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Uscite parrocchiali

Wednesday, May 6 OUTPUT LORETO

Saturday, June 13 OUTPUT IN ASSISI: Unity trip parish church at the conclusion of all activities of the year .

I Feel Wet Am I Starting My Period

Catechismo Mese di Febbraio

aa PieveAcquedotto Catechism is held on Sunday (after the Mass of 10) from 11 to 12.

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Benedizioni Pasquali

From Monday, February 23 Friday, March 13 to carry out the Easter blessing in the parish of St. George.
From Monday, March 16 Friday, April 3 to carry out the Easter blessing in the parish of Pieveacquedotto
Soon will be available the schedule of Blessings.

Don Mauro.
And here is the rest.

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you remember the festival of Carnival Saturday, February 14, 2009 entitled "A world of color" on Pieveacquedotto. The festival is open to all families and all that would be nice to come dressed (remember that the basis of disguise, there must be a color.
will be awarded the most original masks, however the quality of the dress and there will be a prize for everyone.
Following will be the program of the festival ...
Meeting 15.30 am to 16.00 pm Parish
Games Dress

Hours 17.00 Hours 17.30 Hours 18.00
Awards Buffet (If possible each deve portare qualcosa o salato, o dolce o bibite)

Buano Festa.

Don Mauro